I am all for giving people a second chance. And, Micheal Vick has a second chance. He is working as a professional athlete, making millions and adored by tons of people. I would even give him great credit for trying to turn his life around and work with the humane society.
But - for me - the idea that you hung dogs from trees by the neck for killing practice. The idea that you tased dogs in order to have them fight to the death. The idea that you pulled the teeth from a dog and then ordered it to fight so that you could build a killer instinct in other dogs. That precludes you from being a athletic Nike Role Model.

This isn't Tiger Woods who screwed around on his wife. This is a man that tortured dogs to death. He deserves a second change. He doesn't deserve to have Nike shove his mug at me whether I choose to watch him or not.
My school uses Adidas.