And it provides some writers (not me, but others) with terrific fodder. In this case a wrap by Salon of where the candidates stand on the compromise. Sure it's all funny. But the Michelle bits are the best by far - so I skip bore me more Romney.
Michele Bachmann has been against everything Mitt Romney is against since before Mitt Romney is against it, of course. She opposes the deal, she opposed the old Boehner bill, she opposed raising the debt ceiling at all, and she opposed the notion that anything bad would happen if we didn't raise the debt ceiling. She opposes reality.
"The 'deal' he announced spends too much and doesn't cut enough," she said. "This isn’t the deal the American people 'preferred' either, Mr. President. Someone has to say no. I will."

If elected president, Michele Bachmann will obviously spend all of her time hanging out with her pals in the liberal media and no time doing anything.
There are other people, also running for president, and some of them also have opinions about this plan to avert an entirely self-inflicted crisis. Ron Paul is against the plan because he's Ron Paul, and the debt ceiling plan did not involve eliminating the Fed and returning America to the "wooden teeth standard." If elected president, America will once again lead the world in freedom-per-capita. (And probably tuberculosis.)
Newt Gingrich came out with a statement that managed to be long, detailed and completely meaningless. ("For instance, Strong America Now, led by Michael George, believes that $500 billion per year can be saved by applying Lean Six Sigma to the federal government.") Because he is Newt Gingrich. If elected president, Newt Gingrich will increase the national debt by trillions of dollars, most of which will be spent on beautiful diamonds and buying America lots of fake Twitter followers.
Herman Cain said ... nothing, about the debt ceiling compromise plan? He might not understand it. Or he might not care about problems he can't blame on Muslims? Jon Huntsman said the deal "is a positive step toward cutting our nation’s crippling debt." This means nothing because John Huntsman will never be president.
Tim Pawlenty took the most extreme-right line of any candidate so far (the cut-cap-and-balance plan did not cut, cap, and balance enough for him!) but no one noticed or cared. If elected president, America will quickly forget that we elected him. On Inauguration Day the presidential limo would forget to pick him up from the airport and the Supreme Court would just look at each other and shrug and decide to swear in Mitt Romney because we're all pretty sure we elected that one, right?