Monday, August 22, 2011

Ricky Post of the Day

It's All Up Here
Well, I will let you Google around yourself for the details, but I do like this story.  Let's go way back in time to right after Rick Perry announced he was going to run for President.  He was asked on a Sunday (August 14th - a LIFETIME ago - 8 days) what his plan was for the government.
He took a rather stern turn towards the man (the impertinent twit!) and told asked the rabble if they read his book Fed UP! ?  "Read that and you will know my views."
Unfortunately someone did, and asked him about Social Security.  You see in Fed Up! Governor Fancy Pants describes Social Security as an illegal and unconstitutional Ponzi scheme.  He wrote it before he was running for President you see.
So a question was asked of his Press Secretary, who said he never heard the governor say that.  When directed to Fed Up!, the Press Secretary said, on August 18th, that the book wasn't meant to be his "current" views.
Now, this isn't as bad a Newt Gingrinch threatening to prosecute anyone who replayed his comments for liable, but it is a pretty quick turn-around from the coyote shooting, straight talker.