And how did the Tea party, which started by protesting against Bank Bailouts, let itself get folded into the Republicans? But no matter. This is about the fact the Democratic President is so right wing it isn't funny.
And I know he is trying to position himself in the center to get re-elected. I understand that.
I UNDERSTAND AND IT IS WRONG. It is wrong to put your personal re-election above honesty and the good of the country. And he hails the screwing of the country like it is some great "center bargain". I call bullshit. What frosts my balls is that I went to bat for him. I said (truthfully) that John McCain would say anything to win. Well, it is true of President Obama too.
He reminds me of Ben (Charles Dangel) in "Little Foxes". He knows he has Bette Davies over a barrel. She asks him for a few more days to convince her husband to invest in a scheme. But he has already pulled a back door deal.
Ben flashes a truly shit-eating grin and says, "I'ld love to Regina, but I can't. I could, but I can't - if you catch my meaning. Could, but can't. Could, but can't." And he chuckles as Regina fumes.
Even more foreshadowing, Ben is selling out the citizens to work for peanuts while he gets rich.
Obama should watch that, because he is Ben with the shit-eating grin laughing at the people that "have" to vote for him. Because I could, but I won't.
Could, but won't..
Oh, and by the way, in the end, Regina wins. Oh she kills her husband, and loses the affection of her daughter, but she wins. She moves away from Ben and the horrible South without her daughter or husband. But she moves to Chicago and Paris, with money and victory. And Ben is screwed.