So, when we were in Montreal, we went to the Architecture Museum. It had a fascinating show about designing for World War II. It was about how architects worked on both sides during World War II. From building the iconic grand designs of the Nazi's, to designing war-time product facilities in America and Canada, to designing neighborhoods in areas that had to be rebuilt.
It was really interesting.
They did a great job of showing how the architects tried to used their skills in forwarding their cause. They had some amazing rebuilding plans from the Soviets - as well as the expected US / Canadian / British architects. It was fun.

I think of this today
because Salon has an article about the process of "selling" their production of armaments right before World War II. In the picture to the right of the tank ramming a tree, is in front of a building that was in the Canadian show, which details, plans and how the draftsmen had to lay on giant tables to draw plans.
Coincidence indeed!