Yay! Debate #3 and my head still hasn't exploded. Don't get me wrong - it was touch and go. I am amazed by the unquestioning loyalty given for any response often. Rick Perry was asked direct questions and didn't answer them and the crowd erupted into applause. After a while you would think they want answers.
And yes, Democratic Candidates completely do it - but we (or at least Ed & I) don't applaud and cheer when they evade the question and don't answer.
There was fact checking (link here) - and just as an overview:
Michelle Bachman's statement that Obama Sotle $500 Million - lie.
Rick Perry's statement that "no one will stand and say that Social Security should be reformed" - lie.
Rick Perry's statement that the stimulus created Zero jobs. - lie
But I don't expect any Tea Party member to accept the truth as it is inconvenient. And why don't I care... teach a pig to sing, baby.