Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Rick Asked God - I think God Has Answered

Welcome Back Ricky
Now, I am not a man that brings God into our discussion of who should or should not be President.  First, of course, I don't think God is all that concerned with the Presidency, second if he wants to vote - he gets a vote just like anyone else (except in Wisconsin or Texas where he would have to present a valid photo ID from the state - not issued to students or the poor displaced by economic or weather issues, or a valid gun permit in Texas).
But, having given that caveat, Rick Perry has said that God has brought him to this moment.  Rick has, in fact, shared the blessings from God repeatedly.  Last year he set aside 3 days for praying to end the drought in Texas.  This year, Rich Perry had a giant Prayer Revival in Houston to pray for his state and our country.  Of course he did this not in his "political role" - but since he has never held a job outside of government it is hard to see what "non-political" role he was holding this in.
That is a long way of saying, that I feel totally free in measuring God's approval of Rick Perry based on Rick Perry's own words and actions over the last year as Governor and Candidate.
And if Texas is God's answer.  I don't think God wants Rick Perry to run.