Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What the United States "Anti-Terrorism" Laws are really used for

In the name of terrorism, we passed laws to removed searches from constitutional protections.
They are overwhelmingly NOT used for terrorism.  These are arrests from these types of searches.
Look, I am not crazy person, but we have lost the ability to complain in any meaningful way in this country.
People who merely linked a post to Wikileaks were detained for 9 - 12 hours for leaking state secrets (forget they were linking to public sites and newspaper).
The government passes laws we accept in the name of fighting terrorism - that aren't used for terrorism at all.
And, as the Wall Street protesters, Republican and Democratic Convention Protesters and other found out, protesting leads to arrests.  Arrests lead to an arrest record, which can be easily found  used to fire you and for future employers not to hire you.
There is a front page story on how people around the world (including a lot of young people in our country) no longer believe that voting is an effective way to register views or effect change.
Given the results of Obama's "huge" win, and the subsequent escalation in Afghanistan, increase of terror laws and shielding of the previous administration, can you blame people for thinking that voting is a sucker's game.
And yes, I know I sound like a dumb kid, because nothing will change. And I will personally continue to work to make money and keep my family safe.
But it is sad.