Wednesday, November 02, 2011

"E Pluribus Unum is Bullshit" says Congress

So today, in a stunning rebuke to the very idea that this is a do nothing Congress, the House of Representatives brushed aside the petty, grandstanding busy-work of passing a Jobs Bill, tackling taxes, addressing  the deficit or discussing the Afghanistan money pit  to work on the REAL priorities of Americans.  Yesterday the House passed a non-binding resolution reaffirming that "In God We Trust" is our National Motto.
Thank God! (in which we trust).
The Seal of the United States
with that Godless Motto
(which is SO not our official motto)
You see President Obama once said that E Puribus Unum was our national motto.  "Bullshit" says Rep Randy Forbes (R) of Virginia.  Our national motto is now, once again, officially (and non-binding) In God We Trust.
In fact, the House of Representatives Bill (in a non-binding way) supports AND encourages that this motto be put on all government buildings.
The new Congressional Visitor center actually had E Pluribus Unum on it, until Congress intervened to fix this horrible outrage that all Americans might be equal.
Because, as you know, many of God's Representatives here on Earth have repeatedly told Americans  that we aren't all equal.  We are so NOT equal that feminism and homos caused the attacks on the Twin Towers.  God's Reverends Jerry Falwall and Pat Robertson put those puzzle pieces into place for us back in 2001.  Burning bras lead to Adam & Steve which lead to 9/11.
The country is less "Out of Many, One" and more "Out of Many, Get Rid of the Ones We Don't Like".
And as the good Reverend and God's voice here on Earth Pat Robertson told the people of Pennsylvania, voting against prayer in school brought on the floods a few years ago.  Pennsylvanians - not "One", see?
How could this even be a question, you must ask yourself?
This whole mishigas was started by the Founding Fathers (those upstanding men that worked tirelessly to end slavery - per Crazy Eyes Bachman) who actually had the temerity to proclaim the American Ideal was "Out of Many, One" and this, they stated - quite incorrectly, should be our National Motto.  And the Godless Heathens in congress who allowed that to stand for nearly 200 years before the anti-commies changed it.
Because gays, Latinos and Kenyan Muslims, you are not "one" of us Americans.  And now Congress has the votes to prove it.