Thursday, December 08, 2011

Thank you Rick Perry.

I suppose this could use some background if you aren't as familiar with Rick Perry's hatred of the fags as I am.  Rick Perry released a video advertisement (using the same background and jacket) in Iowa for the caucus vote.  In HIS ad, he says that there is something wrong in the country, that Gays can serve in  the Military, but kids can't pray at school - and he will reinstate Don't Ask Don't Tell and fix school prayer.
First off, Gays in the Military really have nothing to do with school prayer.  Period. Gay men and women serving to protect this country should be left out of these sophomoric attacks.  Two years ago Gays were NOT allowed to serve openly in the Military and School Prayer was illegal then.  The two aren't related.
SECOND, Prayer is allowed in schools.  Anyone who has watched a prayer circle at a football game, or see someone sitting silently before a meal with their head bowed KNOWS that prayer is allowed.  What is NOT allowed is Government Funded direction of a specific type of prayer.  I am not saying it is right or wrong, but it is very different than saying "prayer is not allowed in schools".
And they are not related.  it is just Rick Perry using an instinctive hatred (or, at the very least, the ick factor) of gays to further his morbid-bound campaign.  He serves to be raucously ridiculed (in my book - and it is my blog :-).