This is cool. We had a fundraiser for Minnesotans United for All Families a few weeks ago. A couple of our good friends run The Fundamental Theater company. They couldn't donate a lot of money - which was no problem, but they have decided to do a reading to help raise awareness.
Here is their blurb...
Links are here: Fundamental Theater Project & Minnesotans United for All Families
Please come if you want, RSVP through It will be a kick.
If you just want to support Minnesotans United for All Families - also cool.
This cause means a lot to me because Eddie and I were married in California in 2008. Since then, Prop 8 passed and same sex marriage is no longer legal in California. As a Los Angeles native, it broke my heart to see my state pass this law. I am dedicated to fighting this and work to try to keep my marriage legal.
I am proud of our friends at Minnesotans United - and proud of my straight friends at Fundamental Theater Project that are helping to bring awareness to this effort.
Thank you seems inadequate, but it is heartfelt.