Thursday, May 17, 2012

So for some reason, today at work is wear purple day

You know how you get those "wear this color today" messages?
You don't?  You shouldn't, it is 2012 for goodness sake we aren't in High School.  But... my job has a wear purple day today to show support for Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered, Questioning, Confused and Supportive Youth - or some such nonsense.   All I know is that I got the evil eye (plus comments) because I didn't support this last year.
Since I am trying to help a friend with her contributions to Minnesotans United For All Families, I am trying to do my purple part.  But I looked in the closet today.
I don't own purple.  I don't like purple, I don't look good in purple and I don't have any.  I ended up with a purple madras shirt, with a purple undershirt - wearing the 2 things I own.
Good Grief