People have said, how did you get into / what was your background? Well, I got into when someone who read a few blurbs I wrote on Nincompoopery asked me to review a show. So, short answer, pure luck! I have a good voice of the average person.
Yet... with my background, comes the lack of training in Theater. The good and the bad sides of it. today both happened to be displayed to me in the pages of the NY Times.
The bad - I don't get some stuff...
Today's NY Times Review has a review of Title and Deed from Charles Isherwood (whom I admire greatly). I really disliked Title and Deed. I mean really. And I wasn't alone, nearly all of the audience was annoyed. But Mr. Isherwood drew the parallels to Beckett (and in a sensible way). He makes the play sound like something I would love to see. He brings a background I don't have.
And the good? I'm not a pretentious twit.
Today's NY Times has a piece of claptrap (on the Front Page no less!) by the other critic, Ben Bratley. He was complaining that Broadway Tourists give too many Standing Ovations. In it he suggests, by turns, that the tourists that visit Broadway give the ovations:
- to try to head for the exits quickly
- because they are cheap and a standing ovation makes them feel like they got their money's worth
- because they can't see the stage otherwise
- or because that horrible show Newsies won't stop dancing until people stand
Aside - Let's just admit for a moment that the depth of his hatred of Newsies is so profound he can't blow his nose without trashing it. If we all tattoo across our foreheads "Ben Bratley Hates Newsies" will he shut the hell up about it? Just a question.
He contrasts this sheepish behavior of the unwashed versus the rarefied air of the true enthusiasts of the Theater that attended the Enocre! series where (and I quote)
I should point out that among audiences for musicals, those who attend the Encores! productions are probably the most sophisticated and discriminating in town. Many of them know the history, in detail, of the show they’re seeing and the resumes of those appearing in it. But can't we all. please, strive to be a little more like them?"
More annoying words have been writen, but not by me. And that, is the good of not having a theatre background (with an -re)