If you aren't from the US, you might not have heard of North Carolina. It is a very low lying coastal state on the East Coast. They have a huge "barrier island" system that has been hammered in recent years by Hurricanes.
North Carolina is also home of "Research Triangle" a tripartite of cities with major research universities, Duke, Univ of North Carolina and North Carolina State.
Well, the state commissioned a few studies on sea level rise. The findings came back to plan for a 3 foot (1 meter) rise by 2100. It included information related to Global Climate Change, and increased Sea Level rises recently. Well, that pissed off the newly Republican House of Representatives. So they introduced laws that said you couldn't base any projects on Science, only on historical changes.
But recent history supports accelerated Seal level rises according to climate change. So the legislature has outlawed projections over 15 ins (.35 Meters), unless the coastal counties agree. Because, you see, a rise estimated over 15 inches would be detrimental to the development of the coastal counties.
And yes, all American's tax dollars pay to rebuild those damn islands after every Hurricane.
Link to Charlotte North Carolina article.
This is also the state that decided laws against Same Sex Marriage weren't enough, so they changed their constitution to outlaw what was already outlawed. This is also where the Democratic Party will hold their convention.