Today's Olympic Athlete is Rafalca, a dressage mare that is 14 years old. Jan Ebeling rides Rafalca in the Olympics in Dressage - kind of horse ballet (his explanation). Jan Ebeling is a German immigrant that came to the US with nothing but a dream - and a mutli-thousand dollar contract to teach dressage to people that have a $100,000 a year to drop on a horse.
Fun fact, Rafalca is,owned by Ann Romney - wife of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. We don't normally think of non-humans as Athletes (except for frisbee-catching dogs - for which there is no Olympic event), but Rafalca is one. Jan Ebeling has ridden many horses, but they don't all get to the Olympics.
About the whole tax debacle....
Now, you will hear a lot of noise that in addition to being an Olympic Contender, Rafalca is a tax deduction for the Romneys -and I admit, it is odd to find that Dressage horse ridden by an German Born Nob somehow is a tax deduction. In actuality, Ann pursued Dressage as therapy for her multiple sclerosis - so it does make sense. And, Rafalca helped her. Anyone who has used an animal in therapy knows they can help.
Should it still be a tax deduction? Probably not - the tax code probably wasn't written so that horses worth twice the national average income could be written off. However, clearly the therapy did help Mrs. Romney - so good on. And it certainly isn't Ann Romney's fault the horse is a tax deduction. Not taking it would be silly. So, I see no problems.