Thursday, September 13, 2012

I have to admit, I don't understand the reaction

I have to say, having watched the trailer for the "movie"...and... well, crowds in the mid-east seem to overreact a lot.
Sure the movie is insulting and annoying, but it is also childish, amateurish and stupid.  It is made on a green-screen and anyone with a video camera could make a better movie.
The daily you-tube tirades against gays, women, hunters, Republicans, Democrats, Indians, Jews, Christians, in fact - the daily attacks on just about anybody are far worse  than that movie every day and it doesn't cause us to freak out.
There is a mob mentality at work that I don't understand.
If the entire world has access to instant communication, things like this are bound to pop up.  And the crowds in Egypt and Yemen should doubly understand that given that they used instant communication to overthrow their governments.
Christians allow art to include physical depictions of Jesus and Mary to be defaced as an artistic response to any number of items the artist my interprut.  They get upset, and often demande the works get removed - but they don't kill people because of it.  They don't even storm the locations.
It is just more  of the things that I don't understand.