President Obama, last night you reminded me of why you pissed me off so much in the first 2 years of your administration.
Once again, for reasons of decorum or duty or because you were bored, you let the other side get away with lies. Fact checkers today talked about how Romney lied or mislead - (as did you in fewer cases) (LINKS, LINKS, LINKS). But you seen Mr. President, that is TODAY, long after the debate watchers have moved on to Jay Leno and the Big Bang Theory.
No one is watching last night's debate TODAY. Remember back when you tried to have Congress pass bi-partisan legislation and you got zero votes even after caving in to Republicans. Remember how the people that supported you started to feel that you didn't care about them OR the truth.
I don't want a President who is bored and can't be bothered to call out lies. Me! Gay, blue state New York Angeleno that donates to World Vision AND Bill Clintons Global Initiatives. I don't want that guy!
I don't want Romney either, but I need you to give me a reason to vote for you - not just against him.
I know that often in 2008 you didn't want to come across as the angry black man. But we all know you now, and pointing out Romney's lies aren't going to suddenly scare the neighborhood anymore.
Serenity Now!