Thursday, April 11, 2013

Times Square Portraits

One of the odd things about Times Square is that every other street corner has pictures of stars for sale.  I don't know why.  But I do know that Justin Bieber has grown up and I feel like my parents.  As in "pull your damn pants up - you look like an idiot".  Money and fame have not helped him.
Remember when the little Canook looked like this...
Goofy, but a nice kid from Canada
Well now, this is his "style".  I don't get it.
It looks like a construction hard hat and a baseball cap having S&M sex.

Apparently they like to crap in their pants in Canada

Words fail. 
At his birthday party in London.  So he stands like that OR keeps a hand in his pants to keep them up.
Thank goodness, I thought he had to longest game of pocket pool going on...