Monday, June 24, 2013

Creepola Show

Well, Eddie and I went to the Park Ave. Armory yesterday to see "White, Snow".
It is a giant immersive art installation (with a capital A for ART) that was impressive in it's presentation and kind of annoying in its literalism.
Okay, the artist (the well known Paul McCarthy - not the Beatle) has created a tableau of the Snow White story by Walt Disney.  Even given the (not so original) thought that princess worship conveys all the wrong ideals to little girls - and taking the allegory of forced housework and the good love of a man forced on an unconscious woman to it's logical extreme... Even given that, you need extra helpings of bitter man to come up with this show.
It was amazing, immersive and impressive - but creepy.
They essentially built any entire set, including a ranch house based on the artist's parent's house, where they reenacted Snow White with a  huge helping of bitterness.  It includes a number (like 10) video vignettes that last over 90 minutes.  In many of them the artist plays Walt Disney (named Walt Paul) as a seriously deranged pornography producer.

No children were allowed in - I kind of think they should have been - nothing would scare a kid off sex as quickly as this show.
Some things were cleaver for a moment.  Like Prince Charming graphically copulating with an hairless sex doll - to question the idea that Prince Charming falls in love with the physical beauty of Snow White, without even knowing her.  But in general, as Ed said, "We get it.  You grew up with issues with Disney.  That's a lot of money to say that."
Saying that though, the dioramas were cool.