So yesterday was the essentially good news / bad news for left and right.
The Supreme Court struck down part of the Voting Rights Act in an absurtist ruling that the act is okay, but the map of where it is applied is, not just bad, but unConstitutionally bad. And the Right realized the an activist court isn't all that bad when it is on your side.
President Obama used the power of the Executive to begin actions on Climate Change and the Left decided that dictatorial powers in the Executive branch are just fine, when wielding by someone not named Bush.
Most everyone agreed it was a day of steady use of judgement by one branch and massive overstep by another branch of government. Which was which... well that is less easy to discerne - and impossible to agree on.
May I offer a theory.
Congress has created this clusterfuck.
If they wanted, they could redefine the Voting Rights Map. If they wanted, they could override Obama's rules. But Congress is the broken engine in the heart of our government. Money, ideas, plans, hopes, dreams.. they all go in... churn around... and exit as farts of outrage and obsefucation.