Thursday, August 01, 2013

Bob Filner; Disgusting Idiot (Democratic) Mayor of San Diego

The full list of Bob Filner's transgressions as mayor of San Diego read like a loony tunes caricature of dirty old man.  And would be humorous, if they were a cartoon and not the exploits of a full grown man.
Even worse a former Congressman and now Mayor of San Diego.  A Full accounting can be found on the internet, but let's just use the summary...
Filner allegedly made advances on unwilling women–forcibly kissing them, shoving his tongue down their throats, licking their cheeks, putting women in headlocks so he could kiss them, touching a woman’s buttocks, putting his hand down a woman’s bra, telling a woman who worked for him to come to work “without panties on,” and more. He is accused of violating their bodies and autonomy. To hear them tell it, he didn’t care that he made them feel “fearful,” and “violated. (LINK)
Well, Mayor Filner has found the real culprit.  Is it a sex addiction?  Was it youthful indiscretion?  Was he abused as a child?  Morhter not love him enough?  Too much?
No, it is the city's fault.
Trained or not, putting your hand down a woman's bra is a no-no, you poor man's W.C.Fields.  Also, I assume he practiced his "contrite" look in the bathroom  for hours before this interview and the best he could come up with was "painful bowel movement look #3"?