Monday, December 16, 2013

Affluenza: One Set of Rules for the Rich, and One for everyone else

So, a rich white kid, 16 years old, 3 times the legal limit for drunk driving, killed 4 people who were walking on the side of the road (a mother and child, along with 2 good neighbors who were helping when her car broke down).  He crippled two friends riding in the truck (illegally in California, but who the hell knows in Texas - maybe you can ride tied the freaking roof rack there).
He admits to doing it, but it is mitigated because his family is SOO rich, they never taught him right from wrong.  Affluenza (A moral flu from being too rich.)  10 years probation.
Let's say, just for shits and giggles, a poor white kid does the same thing, three times over the legal limit, driving to illegally buy more beer in a pickup, he would be called poor white trash - and sent to jail.
No one cares if a poor person (of whatever color) is sent to jail, because it is assumed that their life is worthless anyway. They will grow up to be part of the 47%.
There is a rule for rich people, and a rule for poor people - regardless of color.
And, of course a rule for very rich people (like Banker's) who aren't even charged until after their very important people meetings.
This isn't what the founding fathers intended.