Friday, December 13, 2013

Congrats to our Government - Little Things are Better than No Things

In the spirit of "Let's try to work together and not call names", congratulations go out to:
1. Paul Ryan and Patti Murray for creating a workable budget compromise.
Republican Paul Ryan and Democrat Patty Murray getting things done!
2. John Bohner and the Republican-led House of Representatives for passing this law.
And a huge phfft: to MOST MEDIA
I was trying to find a good headline to put up here or a good picture, but all the headlines stress the problems with the deal:

Wall Street Journal: Least Bad Deal Possible
NBC News: Budget Passes Despite Conservative Objections
Fox News: Will (Elizabeth) Warren Wing Scuttle the Deal?
CBS NEWS: War of Words Over Bi-Partisan Budget Deal Continues

So, let's celebrate the good news that government seems to be working a little.  And good job to those involved.  And ignore the media for a few moments, you'll thank me later.