Yes, I know it is hideous in abundance, but I love the 1930s heavy Nationalist Architecture. Throughout the depression it was done in the US - you can still see it on a lot of federal buildings.
The Facisum brought it to Italy, Spain and Germany. And the communists regiems kind of perfected it, so it gets a bad rap. But i kind of love it.
It is all that heavy, domineering neo-classical facade that screams, "We're the Government, Don't Screw With Us!" There isn't nearly as much of that in Yugoslavia as there is in more communist Eastern Europe (Tito quickly left the influence of Moscow and charted a "third way".) There is still a lot in Spain too (legacy of Franco).
But I do like this. It is the Central Bank dating from Tito's regime. It's rather unadorned facade is completely made up for by the massive, gorgeous statues (man and woman) flanking the entrance.