Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Must I Be Crazy to Be Happy (no, but it sure helps)

This is the Crazy Elf Whisperer of Iceland.  A story about her.  Now, she is not crazy.  She has been to 2 different doctors to prove it.  Now Ragnhildur Jónsdóttir is happy and successful.  I begin to question my sanity and choice of home.

Here in Manhattan, I am stuck with the crazy bums and screaming old ladies and idiots who are incapable of making a pot of coffee. 
Widen this out to New York and I am stuck with Bill De’Blasio – worse administrator than Mayor McCheese.
Widen this out to the country and here is the country where, in order to get elected, you can’t believe in evolution, climate change or any type of background checks for gun ownership.  But have the Feds read your email and listing to your calls is perfectly acceptable.  The one thing a terrorist can do with no problem is acquire a gun – you aren’t allowed a back ground check or to check the no-fly list.
And it is impossible to get anything done at any level of government.  Partisan make up numbers and statistics and use them as validation for stupendous inaction.
Capital N as in not crazy, Ragnhilder John’sDaughter speaks for the Elves.  Not in a cartoony Lorax fashion, but she channels the Elves.  And apparently, the Elves were pretty pissed off that a new road in Iceland to connect to the suburbs was going to go through Ófeigskirkja, a large lava rock that is one of Iceland’s holiest Elf churches.
Now, in America most would laugh at her.  But in Iceland – they just moved Ófeigskirkja.  Elves are happy, road is built and Ragnhilder is happy.
Ragnhilder doesn’t seem to worry about climate change, or war in the Ukraine, or get her knickers in a twist on what consenting people do with each other.  Ragnhilder is a happy person – and I now tend to agree with her two doctors that she is not crazy. 
I want to check out. I want to not care that school girls are kidnapped and sold in Nigeria.  I want to not care if the world burns while Washington Fiddles.  I never want to hear the word Bengazi again. I want to not care.  I so much want to not care, a lot.
I am not sure how to do it, but the Elf Crazy is looking better day by day.
Ragnhilder gets the Elf Chapel moved.  And look - a smile!