Thursday, December 18, 2014

Yue Lad - The Door Slammer

Door Slammer

Door Slammer comes to town on 18 December. He always made a lot of noise when he walked around, slamming doors and such, so people could hardly get any rest. He still has a habit of slamming doors and always does when he visits the National Museum.
The seventh was Door Slammer,
a sorry, vulgar chap:
When people in the twilight
would take a little nap,
he was happy as a lark
with the havoc he could wreak,
slamming doors and hearing
the hinges on them squeak.
Now we are getting to the good ones.  This guy is bound to annoy mom and dad more than the kid.  So little John Johnson goes to bed, but a naught little troll goes around slamming doors keeping everyone awake.  I like it.
Plus, he isn't licking anything.

 Driving across the outback in May you can see why Iceland stands in for extrasteller planets all the time, right?