Friday, February 13, 2015

Woooooooo, Pig! Sooie!

It has been a big year for Arkansas.  Less than a year ago, University of Arkansas was officially granted a trademark for Woooooooo, Pig! Sooie! (LINK)
And, if that wasn't enough they have just hog-wrassled the title of "Biggest Haters of Fags" in the country back from Kansas.
As you might have read here, just last week, Sam Brownback, governor of state of Kansas issued a State Order that removed any and all Lesbian and Gay protections in the work place.  Meaning that people employed by the state of Kansas - or any company it contracts with - can be fired for being gay.
"Well," Arkansas says," we stole your state name and added shit, we can just steal that idea and add more shit.  Because no one hates fags more than us.  No One!"
So the state legislature (both the House and the Senate) passed a new law that not only invalidates any city or county laws that might require equal employment protection under the law, but any law requiring equal treatment of any type to faggots.  It actually prohibits any city or county  from passing any law that would go so far as to protect faggots from being fired just because they are faggots.  You are free to fire them, kick them out of their rented homes, require higher car insurance premiums, deny them service - pretty much anything you want except actually assault us physically.
Damn it, they gave up slaves. They gave up on the Southwest Football Conference.  They gave up marrying their sisters.  Those Razorbacks damn sure ain't going to give up on hating faggots.
The Governor will not sign it, nor will he veto it.  That way it becomes law automatically without him having to take stand.
Wooo Pig.
Don't worry Kansas - Arkansas may have one up'ed you legally, but you still have the Westboro Baptist Church.