Tuesday, March 10, 2015

If you don't live in the United States you won't believe this.

It is hard to believe how much the Republicans HATE President Obama.  It doesn't matter what he does or why.

In the current case, 47 of our Senators (out of approximately 54 Republican Senators) sent a letter to Iran.  The letter "schooled" Iran on our constitutional system - basically telling them that anything Obama did they could undo later.
Never in our history has this happened.  Never has the Senate tried to derail talks in which the United States is a party during the talks.  It is a first.  A sad pathetic first.
Senator Tom Cotton - a new idiot from Arkansas also sent a condescending translation in Farsi to the President and Foreign Minister of Iran.  In case they didn't understand English.  Although had he googled them he would know they hold Doctorates from Universities in Glasgow, Scotland and Denver, Colorado and their English is probably fine.