And so, in congratulating their process I am honest and truthful. Is is an amazing achievement..
The outcome, however, is not what I would deem as optimal. (Although the 47 Republicans that signed the letter to Iran must be over the moon right now.) You see after 40-ish years and 6 US Presidential Administrations (3 Democratic and 3 Republican including Reagan), Prime Minister Netanyahu has repudiated the peace process. During the election cycle he has un-equivocally said that there will be no 2 state solution.
Which, like I said, is his right to say and the Israeli people's right to vote for. In fact, Israel now has the same position as Hamas, there is only 1 possible country between Jordon and the sea. They differ only on the government of that country. Which says to me the process of negotiations is over. We stopped sending money to Hamas / Gaza when they repudiated the two state solution, we should do the same with Israeli.
Let us agree to abide by the decisions of the Israeli people / electorate of the region and ske-daddle.
I see no use in sending them $3 Billion a year. The country is one of the richest and most technologically advanced in the world. They are more than capable of taking care of themselves - and, in fact, doing that while persecuting the Palestinians. Let's spend that $3 Billion on our own infrastructure (bridges, roads, etc.). And, as long as we aren't buying peace in the region, let's stop spending $3 Billion a year on Egypt. And roughly $1 Billion a year on the Palestinian West Bank. I mean at $7 Billion we are talking real money.