Jeb Bush (top right) flopped an easy question that said, "Knowing what we know now, would you have invaded Iraq?" He said yes. Yes, ladies and germs, if we knew there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction, if we knew it would cost $2 Trillion dollars (that is $2,000,000,000,000.00), if we knew it would destroy the country - he would still do it.
He said that he hadn't heard the question right.
Still Later
He said that he hadn't processed the question right.
Even Later Still
He said he didn't deal with "hypotheticals" (although that is all the campaign is really about - otherwise we are stuck talking about you in the F-State and your "saving" of the brain dead against the wishes of the husband).
He said that to say anything - in fact even asking the question - would dishonor the troops.
Mike Huckabee announced last week. He was going to announce earlier, but he had to disassociate himself from the quack diabetes cure that involved eating cinnamon rolls (really).
Send your $200 to QuackMeds.com |
Marc Rubio (center square) said, in response to Jeb Bush's hypothetical question (see above), that Hell Ya he would have invaded Iraq knowing now there were no WMD. Why, because ... well, I'll let him tweet why.
He's Cuban, maybe he didn't know our history |
FYI "Cession" means we took it after a war. This doesn't include all the territory from the Spanish American war we took; Puerto Rico, Philippines, Guam, various island around the world. |
Carley Fiorina announced. So far her qualifications are ruining Hewlett Packard and a failed run for Senate in California. Burt she is a woman who appreciates when a man tells her what to do with her libido, health care and body - so she is a "real" candidate.
Ben Carsen - brilliant surgeon - announced and proved that "brilliant surgeon" doesn't mean really smart. He defended his line that the Affordable Health Care Act is worse than slavery. And told everyone that President Obama will probably declare martial law and cancel the 2016 election to stay in power (although how running for President works in the mind set is beyond me). He is stunningly anti-gay; but Bobby Jindal is fighting hard for the title of Most Inflammatory Rhetoric on Homos (next - week, there is only so much room even in a clown car).
And finally, Chris Christie declared himself vindicated because one of his aids pleaded guilty to Bridge-gate. Although it's New Jersey, so having an aid and alley take the fall is actually considered a win. After all, Senator Bob Mendez (a Democrat, by the by) was indicted federal corruption charges without a fall guy.
In the rumor department, Jeb Bush is allegedly trying to lose weight quickly so that he and Chris Christie start looking less alike.