Thursday, September 17, 2015

A Call to Republicans - A Serious Question

So, I cannot take the Republicans seriously in their debates or much of anything else and wish I had a Republican friend to bounce this off of.  Here is my problem...  And I would love someone who can honestly discuss this.

The fact that Republicans move as a single herd says, to me, that they aren't independent thinking individuals, but reflexive Obama - haters that one cannot have a conversation with.
And give me a minute here to explain my frustration with 2 examples.
Not one (1) Republican at the national level will acknowledge that ObamaCare (actually the Affordable Care Act) is working or voted for it.  Not one.  Now, it is a Republican originated plan (from the Heritage Foundation), but into place first by a Republican Governor (Mitt Romney).  It has added 8.8 Million people to the rolls of the insured AND reduced expenditures.  In Republican states where the Medicate funding was added, it is a huge success - Kentucky and Ohio stand out.  Given all that, why will NOT ONE Republican say it is okay.  Why the herd mentality regarding anti-Affordable Care Act?  On the other side, there are Democratic National Leaders that have, in the past, come out against it.
Then look at the Deal with Iran regarding nuclear technology.  This deal is supported by Germany, Great Britain, France,  Russia, China, a consortium of generals of Israel, the President of Israel (not the Prime Minister), Generals and ex-Generals in the US and the head of the anti-Treaty forces here who left the group after the final deal was made public (and their objections were addressed).  Some Democrats oppose the deal.  But NOT ONE Republican agrees that the deal is the best possible outcome now?  Not one?  That ideological rigidity says, to me, that the antipathy is not directed at the agreement, but at Obama.
And, no, it wasn't the same with Democrats and George W Bush (or anyone else).  The Democrats will work with others.  They voted for the war with Iraq.  The Republicans won't even schedule a vote for the war on ISIS - and they demanded Obama submit a War Request.
Now, yes, I think this is a reasonable response to a crazy primary electorate on the part of the Republicans.  But it is super frustrating that there is no one on the Republican side to compromise with on anything of substance. And what makes it worse, is that they blame Obama for never compromising.