Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Republicans Can't Decide if They Want to Dis the Pope or are Offended Obama is Dissing the Pope

Oh, the Pope is coming to America and the Republicans are in a tizzy.

On one side are Conservative Catholics who are going out of their way to say the Pope should shut up about the things they don't like.  This includes some, like catholic Representative Paul Gosar - who is boycotting the Pope because he will advocate for response to Climate Change (link).  Others, like House Leader catholic John Boehner are at odds over the Pope's calling out of unbridled Capitalism.
The Republicans have repeatedly called on the Pope to stop talking about Climate Change ("Leave it to the scientists"), Capitalism ("The Pope is a Socialist from Argentina and has never seen Capitalism work") and refugees.
But recently, in Fox News, they have found something that is more objectionable - Fox News-wise, in President Obama's actions.  While boycotting the Pope and telling him to shut up are okay if done by Republicans; President Obama is being disrespectful by inviting a cross section of people to a Pope Reception.  Of particular ire are the Episcopal Bishop Gene Robertson, who is gay, and a nun who has criticized the Vatican on abortion, contraception and euthanasia (link).
To listen to Mike Huckabee (true - a dwindling group) or Megyn Kelly, one would assume that President Obama and these two would be there to yell at the Pope.  As opposed to these 2 being two of 1,500 people at a reception.  A pope that has embraced people of many faiths and taught tolerance will, no doubt, be able to handle this much diversity.