Friday, September 18, 2015

The GOP on Syria - The Good, The Sounds-Good (but isn't) and The Insane

For a moment, let's treat the GOP Debate #2 as a real "debate", not the CNN/ Trump Sideshow that it was.  There were actual moments of questions and occasionally a response that made sense.
There was a question of what do to with Syria now.  It was directed at Donald Trump (as most questions were) and asked what he would do now - as opposed to his normal answer that he wouldn't have let this happen because he would show Putin who was Boss.
The Bad...
Donald stumbled.  He wasn't prepared for a question that isn't predicated on an insult or snappy answer.  There was no answer, but at least he didn't lie.
The Terrible...
In general, answers were that Obama was bad and without him Syria would be fine.  This hot air blew through the podiums like a Santa Ana Wind.  Various takes on this included train Syrians (which has turned out laughable - link), send in our military or attack Iran (Mike Huckabee's answer to everything).
The Sounds-Good - But Isn't Award...
This goes to Carly Fiorina.  She said that to show Putin she means business she would rebuild the 6th fleet, station more troops in Germany, have war exercises in Eastern Europe and build the missile defense shield.  Sounds smart, right?  But... the 6th Fleet is already in place and we are already adding ships. There are 40,000 troops already in Germany - how many more go into Germany will it take to "prove" to Putin we are serious.  We are already building the missile defense shields in Romania and Poland.  And Obama has already set up a rotating series of war exercises in Eastern Europe AND placed foreign "trip-wire" battalions in Eastern Europe.  So, at first blush it sounds like Carly knows what she is saying - but she is either years out of date OR she lies a good game.
The Good...
Rand Paul.  He may be crazy, but he was smart on Syria.  He said (I paraphrase, but not too much) that we need to be careful in the Middle East.  It might make us "feel better" to take out al-Assad, but when we take out a secular strong-man in the Middle East, what replaces them is not a democracy, but usually a repressive and anti-US regime.  He continued that getting rid of al-Assad might make us happy for a second, but would probably result in a Syria run by ISIS.