Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Welcome to Jurba - (Only Diane cared)

So, last night I had an odd dream.  Two in fact, but we shall start with the first.  The picture below calls out most of what was critical about it.

It started as a National Geographic type short in which this odd bird was pecking fallen logs for bugs.  The bird was like the Heron (far left), but his hair was like the koosh ball (2nd left).  He would walk around pecking fallen logs, looking for bugs, but then started attacking other animals - like anteaters, that were also looking for bugs.  Then it got enraged and started pecking larger animals - like cows and horses. People screamed and fled the koosh-headed heron.
Cut to the cute Blue-footed Boobies (middle picture), which grew to heights up to 4 and 5 feet tall somehow.  In the middle of their Blue-footed Booby dance, a platypus type animal jumped up and tried to swallow their head.  So the dance continued with this little platypus on top instead of their heads.
Then, superimposed was a commercial tag line that said...
Nature Untamed... Visit the Isle of Jurba
I woke up and thought, that is freakin' weird.  I have never even heard of Jurba (which I pronounced Yerba - assuming it was in Latin America somewhere).  But it turns out I wasn't really awake.  Because the next thing I did was tell all of my friends.
And no one cared, most people followed Ed's lead and zoned out in the conversation / explanation.  Except for Diane.  Who listened sweetly and then asked what a Blue-Footed Booby was.
Thank you Diane (picture with me in Mostar - far right).
ps - there is no Island of Jurba that I can find - although there is a city of Jurba in Yemen.
pps - the Blue-Footed Booby Mating Dance (for Diane)