Thursday, October 08, 2015

Stop Being Stupid

Just stop!  The Daily Beast has this article, which - one hopes - is merely click-bait.  It can't possible be an actual article can it?
It must be satire, because it has all of the insight of a twelve year-old boy after watching Porkys.
The article accuses Russia of "Being ISIS' Air Force" because they are bombing other Syrian rebels.  But that is bullshit.
It is bullshit because Russia doesn't see a difference between ISIS and other Syrian Rebels.
Syria is Russia's ally.  So, from Russia's (and Syria's) point of view - ANYONE attacking al-Assad is a terrorist, by definition (except the Kurds*).
Now it is true they are attacking those rebels closest to the sea / Russia's bases first.  These are not controlled by ISIS.  But from Russia's point of view - they are attacking the enemy of Syria.  The closest first and the other terrorists later.  That one set of these fighters has the name Liwa Suqour al-Jabal (who we like), another Al-Queda (who we don't like but are working with against ISIS) and the other ISIS is of no interest to Russia or Syria.  They all fit in a big bucket of "people out to other throw us!"
It is America trying to thread the needle by attacking ISIS, but not supporting Syria.  However, if we actually drive ISIS back anywhere but in the North, we are supporting Syria's efforts to reclaim land.
* The Kurds my be on Syria's shit list, but are not on Russia's right now.  That is because a) they piss off Turkey - an American ally and b) there are Kurds in the southern Causcus Regions and they are preferable to the crazy ass Jihads in Russia's southern regions.