Thursday, December 03, 2015

Mike Huckabee Trots Out The Gun free Zone Arguement

Just as Rick Santorum did in the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting earlier this same week, Mike Huckabee bemoans the lack of guns in the San Bernardino shootings (link) via CBS reporting.
Mind you this was a government center serving the disabled, mentally and physically.  So, Mike Huckabee suggests that Down's Syndrome adults and those subject to Epileptic seizures should be packing heat to avoid getting shot.
And not just guns, but guns capable of withstanding assault rifles and commando gear.
So, I am pretty much fucking furious with Mike Huckabee right now.  I had Martha that was mentally disabled.  And no one has loved, hung out with, gone to dances with or generally grew up with a Down's person more than me.  The idea that you give them assault rifles to protect themselves is asinine.  The idea that you load up a center where they are safe with guns, assault rifles and whatever other dip-shit idea Huckabee has is offensive.  Sit down and shut the hell up asshole.
This is a college of Martha and I through the years - with one of her at a dance.  She loved dances at her school or work and I went all the time throughout my teens while she went to school there (she attended until she was 25 in a wonderful Orange County program.  Now cut because, you know, big government.