Sunday, January 03, 2016

If I Wanted to be a Successful Facist

So, Donald Trump plays at being a Fascist.  I don't mean that mean, it is just what he does.  I mean Fascism can be defined as "an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.".
Fascism is just the idea and plan of want Mr. Trump preaches and many of his followers want.  Look at his positions.  When you want to change citizenship rights, when you want to remove constitutional rights of minority based on religion and when you want to role back Supreme Court decisions to impose majority opinion - that is a nationalistic and ring-wing system of government and social organization.  It is Fascism.
But...  Let's say you want to be good at it.
Really good.
If you wanted to be really good at playing a power game of Fascism - instead of just a grandstander - you would also be perusing an alliance with China.  Basically, China and the US (as represented by Donald Trump's proposals) are aligned much more than they are in conflict.
I mean, we could reasonable divid up the planet to rule, dominate, protect.
Spheres of influence are already pretty much defined.  The US has a free hand in Europe and most of Latin America.  China has a free hand in SouthEast Asia and most of Africa.  We are arguing around the margins - the South China Sea and access to the mid-east oil.
If I was a Bad Fascist, then I would simply propose we divide the rest of the world up.  Not to rule, but to give each power a free hand.  Leave Europe and Australia to be basically independent (in name if not in action) - to work with both of us.  Try to keep an eye on Russia together, which has nuclear weapons and a lot of pride, but not much else of value.  Let Latin American "work within" the US power system and let Africa and Asia "work within" the Chinese power system.
Share "mentoring responsibilities" in the middle east (i.e. - let them do what they want within the area, but don't screw with either of us).
India and Japan would stay independent and outside of this structure - but the powers would play the long game.  We would continue to guarantee Japanese (and South Korean) independence until they ask us to stop.  India would be independent, but find themselves blocked out of the world system until they acknowledged it.
Again, I don't propose this.  But if Donald Trump's current proposals are acceptable to more than 50 million Americans - why not go all in?