I can remember the first time I truly enjoyed writing. (Okay, the second if you remember my very youthful writing adventure towards the neighbors, but let us not quibble.)
I was in High School, probably beginning of my Junior year, so 15. We were learning how to write essays, since we would need to write them in order to apply for college. And we were giving the task - write an essay on anything we wanted.
Of course many people had problems with the lack of specificity. I did not.
I penned a wonderful essay on The Sex Life of the North American Moose - and the hazards inherent within.
In it, I explained that reproduction within the moose community is a difficult issue. Like whales, I said, three moose(s) are needed to procreate. The male and the female, of course, and one other. This is necessary becasue, in order to mount the female, the male must take a running start and leap onto the back of the female. The third moose acts as a sort of back-stop for the female to enable successful coitus.
The problem, and subsequent falling moose population, was that moose were getting healthier and bigger. Healthier moose males tended to injure the females. Imagine, if you will, a ton of moose male jumping on you. Some females were hurt. Those females that successfully completed the process once, didn't want to do it again.
Yet, said I, there are solutions. One group of ecologists is stringing giant suspension devices - like massive rubber bands, between the sturdiest trees in the moose forest. Female moose can now lower themselves into these and render the operation both less dangerous and more pleasant.
We handed in our essays one day and took a test, while our teacher looked over and graded the essays. At one point, while drinking her coffee, she did an actual spit-take laughing so hard. I received an A on my coffee splattered essay and I was immediately hooked.