Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Let’s Talk A Moment About the Migrant Caravan

There is a lot of noise about the migrant caravan - let’s talk about it for a moment.

In many ways, President Trump is right about this. No, there aren’t middle easterners in it. No they migrants are criminals. However, President Trump is right that we need to do something about the caravan.

Not because this caravan is a problem, but it is a harbinger of the future. By separating families, then not separating them. By not having a great single policy, we are encouraging the desperate to come to America at some level because out attitudes can change at any moment (from their viewpoint).  So giving a firm and consistent answer to migration - we could stop this. Of course, we don’t do that. We tell migrants they CANNOT enter - but then hire them when they show up for jobs.

Migration will only get worse. Not because (or just because) of politics in Central America, but because of climate change. A number of these migrants are from Guatemala and Hondurous and are small farmers. Small farmers that can no longer feed their families because of climate change - less rains that are predictable, and more storms that are destructive.  This will only increase and not just from Central America.  We need to figure out what to do long term.

Unfortunately, that isn’t even in the discussions here.  Ther President and Fox News are using this to drum up votes.  It is as transparent and will be as short lived as the Ebola Destruction scare of 2014. It is a transparent scare tactic that might just work.