President Trump needs to lay off the FOX News for a few moments.
He believes (for no reason) that the problem is that California is dumping water into the ocean. This stupid thought started around drought time (because there was no caravan to preoccupy him) and that - supposedly - is why fighting fires is hard.
This is, of course, bullshit. We have more wildfires because 1) the bark beetle destroying PINE trees, and leaving them standing and dead (due to climate change - the bark beetles don't die off in winter now), 2) climate change drying out forests because the rain pattern is changing and forests can't change quit as fast and 3) people moving into areas more prone to forest fires.
None of this is due to water mis-management or forest mis-management. Forest management in Calfironia, by the by, is primarily a federal job since California forests are overwhelmingly National Parks, Monuments or Forests.
All the very light green is national forests (yes in the mountains, desert and along the coast.)