In Homo Deus, Yuval Noah Harari (the author) makes an interesting distinction between "God" who created the Universe - whom Harari can totally believe in - and "God" the old white-haired guy sitting in judgement of our day to day acts - whom Harari cannot believe in.
I find the distinction makes sense to me, although I see the positive power of the second version. It encourages people to be the best they can be.
I think the biggest argument against "God" is Catholic Priests - the thousands and thousands of them that get off on molesting children. You make think "thousands" is too many. But in Illinois there are over 650 of them (link). In Pennsylvania there were over 300 (link). And those 2 states are less than 10% of the United States population. So yeah, thousands. And they continue to make the argument against belief in God daily, weekly and monthly.
I understand the argument that a few (or a few thousand!) bad apples don't mean anything, but think about it. These are men who have studied the Bible. Men who have studied religion and God. They know the ins and outs of that whole "Lord God" belief system. And they decided to fuck little boys in the ass and rape little girls. If they REALLY believed in God, would they do that? If they HONESTLY believed that they would burn in hell for eternity - would they trade that for a little pubescent sex? I say no. At least not in the numbers we are seeing.
Sure a couple disgusting men would give in to temptation, but thousands? You can't tell me thousands of men are willing to trade an assured eternity of being burnt and having a flaming poker shoved up your ass is worth sex with a kid. So what is the answer? Priests don't believe in God. Why should I.
In particular, why should I listen to the judgement of a bunch of old men tell me that I am burning in hell because I made a lifetime commitment to the man I love.
And don't even get me started on TV evangelicals that worship President Trump. Jim Baker believes God sent Trump to preside over the End Times, and Pat Robertson thinks Trump talking about grabbing women by the p
ussy is Macho.