I do like the New York Times. Should we leave New York, leaving the NY Times will be tough to do. For me, for years, the LA Times was a great paper.
I actually sent it to my mom when she lived away from Los Angeles. And when I was in grad school in San Diego (1988), I had it delivered in La Jolla. Actually it was San Diego's biggest paper (edging out the San Diego local paper) because of it's reporting and seriousness.
The full sad story of the LA Times can be found here, but that isn't the point of this post.
No, today's post is to celebrate the New York Times. And no better example of their service is that they still have a weekly Science Section. Today's was about the European Jackal.
The image is from the online version, but the physical paper has a "Science Section" every Tuesday. It's very cool.
Spoiler alert, the Jackal population has has boomed as the European Wolf eradication in the Balkans has opened up a ecological niche. Climate Change is now increasing the potential Jackal territory. You see, Jackals can't live where snow is on the ground more than 100 days - which used to keep them in the Balkans (hemmed in by the Hungarian Steppe and Julian Alps). but now, as there is less snow they have left the Balkans and are now seen in Austria, Germany, Italy, Belgium and Estonia.
And yes, they are very much coyote like, but not quite as social and still afraid of people.