Monday, February 25, 2019

The Boat, The Dog and Provindenciales

Just got back from Provindenciales with Eddie and his brother and sister-in-law. Names have been removed to save the innocent.  We had a fantastic time. The weather was gorgeous. I'll post pictures soon, but one day we went out snorkeling and island hopping on a boat.  It was dreamy. and the boat came with two Jack Russell Terriers, which were hilarious.

The pups spent most of the time, just laying around, looking for dolphins. Apparently they love to swim with dolphins, but none were out our day. But the girl was fearless, jumping not he netting and standing right out front, wind in her nose.
Sunset from the boat.

The Caption pushing us off a sandbar (where we grounded to watch sunset).

Captain Nick (a Kiwi), Ray the pup, John and Sue

Heading back to port, the pups taunted the land based dogs of Providenciales