Friday, August 20, 2004

Once Upon a Time..

Once upon a time, in the land of Nod, lived two happy boys and their happy dogs. Together they lived a nice little routine. A routine that allowed all to sleep at regular intervals.

Then the evil wizard, King Alarm Clock, entered the picture. You see boys and girls, one of the boys and both dogs, loved to sleep in. The loud boy would get up, shower and make all sorts of noise in the closet, while the good boy and pups would snuggle under the covers - ignoring the noise. Refusing even to acknowledge it. Sooner or later the first handsome lad would leave and everyone could get back to their snoozing.

But then, one day (Thursday morning), the Evil Wizard, Dark Lord King Alarm woke the entire house up before 7:30. Both boys got up, and one dog awoke, while one dog valiantly tried to stay in bed. But it was not to be. The good puppy was forced from his bed by the two boys (obviously under the wizard's spell). He was forced outside, and then commanded to pee in front of everyone (would that the photographers from Rueters were here to document this torture!).

After pee'ing, the good white puppy tired to go back to bed. But no. He was AGAIN forced upstairs. This time pushed out on the rocks and forced to do a doitee. He tried to get in the house, but the boys yelled for him to hurry up. Clearly the wizard was powerful. Finally, the brave white pup did push one out. But the whole time he was poop'ing he stared at the now-evil boys. His eyes said what he couldn't "Eye crap on yu" (his eyes speak in a bad French accent).

Finally, exhausted from have to walk on rocks and perform on command (degraded like some circus freak), he began back down the stairs. And again, "No!".

"No?" he thought. "No, what?" What more could these two want from him. It wasn't even 7:45 yet for goodness sake. He still had an hour of sleep in bed.

Well, he wasn't going to take this standing up. He went to the couch and went to sleep there.

The boys, now hurrying out of the house walked over. "Good dog," they said.

Phfft. Good dog this. One of the boys bent down to give the dog a pat. The dog ignored him. How else will they learn.