Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Apparently My Bitterness Does Know Some Bounds

1) I am giving up the uniter site. I have exhuasted my hate, fear and paranoia regarding Smirky, ActionMan and his un-holy alliance. I am healed.

2) Television, while not evil, sucks. Yes, this from me. The man who loved the dubbed version of Iron Chief, enjoyed both Laverne and Shirley as well as Mama's Family. The boy who watched Dune, the series. Even I cannot find much to love in the rathole right now. But (and this is a big butt), who cares? Eddie and I played a little Scrabble last night, Ronnie-Roo dropped by. It's all good.

3) I laughed at the following: A older guy is racing down Jefferson Ave in a beat up 1965ish Truck. He RACES to get in front of me when we have to merge because of construction. IN his haste, he didn't realize that the light is out ahead of him, and as he hits the breaks, the traffic cop waves him through. In a block we both have to stop at the red-light. I look over. He is on the cell phone, with his little "handicapped" plackard, drivng a stick (which means, as he shifts, no hands on the wheel). Did I scream, or yell? No, I chuckled. Good for Scooter.