Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Blogger is S L O W lately

Blogger is getting really slow. I don't know why. It could be that the news is even boring blogger.

Well I survived turning 46. It wasn't pretty, but it was done.

People at work took me to lunch and much merriment ensued. So much merriment that I went home and slept until Eddie came home. Then he called for dinner and we watched a little TV. Ah the crazy days. I remember when I was younger and could stay out until 10 or 11 at night. And phones had these little holes in them. You put your fingers in them, and turned this dialy thingy magicy and then you got connected. And you couldn't go farther than the cord would let you. Really. You had to have your intimate conversations in front of everyone at the dinner table.

And CD's were made of this black plastic and the I/O reader actually TOUCHED the surface. It was called a "needle" way back... oh this had to be last century. You kids now adays.

When I was young, if we wanted to see an old movie - we had to wait until it played at a revival house. That's because they didn't have movies on DVD or even video back then.

Don't ask, I have no idea how babysitters handled it back then (I handled it with Valium, but I am assuming this was not a regular occurance). We had to go play inthe backyard (I don't know what kids in the snow did).

Anyway - I am 46 now. Did I say already. I forget things now. I try to remember, but it's all fuzzy. Speaking of fuzzy, TV reception in the old days was based on something called "an antena", and your parents would make you move it while they looked at the picture. Now this was before DVDs and Video of course... ah those were the- WHAT! Oh, I gotta turn on my turn signal here... I'll be back later.

SHUT UP YOU KIDS ... Geez, rude and their music sounds like NOISE