Tuesday, February 27, 2007

London with Mom and Nick

Well, as you know I took my Mom and Nick to London for a week. Here are the pictures (if you want to see them).

I haven't really talked about it here on Nincompoopery. It was a great trip. It was interesting to spend a week with my Mom. I haven't spent a week with her in ... oh about 39 years.
First, let me get the basics out of the way. Eddie and I had a great time. I think she and Nick had a great time. My friends in London thought it was a kick to meet her and Nick and they laughed a lot!

Two things pop out about the trip.

1. I was surprised (shocked) to see how much like my mom I am. I mean, I haven't lived with her since I was 8. It was funny to see how many things we have in common. Not just learned things but mannerisms, things we laugh at, things we are surprised at, tiny bladders - you important stuff. It was cool and funny and weird and surprising all at the same time. (I thought I was one of a kind!).

2. I don't think Nick or Mom were prepared for how much fun they had. They loved England, and were surprised by how pretty it was. We are all ready for the grey of the movies, but outside London proper, England is a really really green country. Nick took millions of pictures, and had a great time. And they both loved the Eurostar to Paris for the night.

I am including a couple of pictures and you can't help but see their smiles.

Nick and My Mom at "the Rocks" (Stonehenge)

Nick and Mom arrive in Paris via Eurostar