Monday, September 15, 2008

The Bush Economy if a Freaking Train Wreck

I don't mean this as a political post in terms of the coming election, but as a general comment.  The George W. Bush Economy is a f'ing train wreck.
The Unemployment jump might not bug you.
The plunging dollar might not bug you.
But if you have a 401K, my guess is that the Leman Brother's, Bear Sterns, Merrill Lynch clusterfuck is going to effect you.
Banking in New York so far has lost about 100,000 jobs - that was before the Leman Bankruptcy. The housing market is in the toilet.  Our currency is on the edge of losing it's place as the world's backstop currency (and if it does - we can no longer run a deficit and there goes social security and medicare and our military! really.).
You think $4.00 a gallon gas is bad, wait until oil is price in Euro's and it goes up about 50% overnight in dollar terms - the terms we pay it in.
And the presidential race is a sideshow.  Honestly, it is being turned into a carnival bait and switch without any discussion of real solutions to the economy, the country's infrastructure (which killed people in Minneapolis last year, and still hasn't addressed New Orleans) or what our role in the changing world should be (should we expand NATO?, should we still be in South Korean paying for their defense 50 years after the end of the war?).
Argh, he said.  Argh!