Sunday, September 21, 2008

John McCain as Jerry "Mitch" Michell

The reason I don't write about the election is really just to keep my sanity.
I used to believe that John McCain was an honorable person who would put country first. Regardless of what others see in John McCain, I now see my father.
My father, a charming, funny, witty man was a serial liar. Don't mistake me, a great guy and friend to me - when he wasn't chasing tail. I lived with him as a child and growing up.
He was a pathological liar, in that from moment to moment he believe what he said. He could pass any lie detector test. He fathered two extra children, one I knew about and one I didn't, and never mentioned them. He lied about things big and small - dates, prices, ages, background, how many times he was married, jail - honest to god, anything. In his 40's he decided that minorities go all the breaks and so he was 1/16 American Eskimo. He filled out everything as native American and dared people to disbelieve it.
He was wicked smart and taught me millions of things - of which 1/2 at anytime were lies. Only to be shown as lies when I unwittingly mentioned them to others.
He lied often to get laid. He lied less often to advance a job. he lied more often to get a new job. But mainly he lied for fun.
Read that again. My father lied mainly for fun. He lied to see if others believed him. His private joke that everyone else was slower, stupider, more trusting or more honest that he was. That they were, you know, idiots.
And now John McCain is lying to us. In his ad's, in his selection of Vice President as the person most able to guide this country through it's darkest times, about the other's guys experience, religion and background. He is lying because we, as Americans, are honest and trusting of his good intentions.
I don't write about the election because John McCain is turning everything good about us into hate. I don't write about the election because John McCain is my father. Willing to say anything, hurt anyone, distort any truth for personal gain and glory. And it sickens me.
So it is easier to pretend it isn't happening. When his lies get to big or too often, I slip and mention them. Privately I rage and scream, publicly I try to point out the truth. But I know it is a sucker's game. Getting you to talk about the little lies covers for the big ones.
And I see McCain's little eyes twinkle and sparkle - just like my dad's did when he got away with something. See that is a good reason not to write about this.