Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ah.. The Joys of a non-swing state

So moving from California to New York was nice because it was from a "solid" voting state to another "solid" voting state.
I don't care if it is Democratic State to Democratic State, or Democratic to Republican.  It is just nice not to have 24 x 7 political commercials.   Having them on the national news and the occasional cable show is bad enough.  If I was living in Minnesota (which was thought to be a swing state for a while) like poor John and Sue or Don and Jo, I might have my head explode.  And I can't even imagine Ursula, with extra pounds and hormones enjoying the constant backbiting of it all (hang in there Carson).

Come to think of it, Wisconsin was thought to be in play for a while too and Phil and Julie probably got a lot of ads.
But probably the worst off is our little Lynnie.  She moved from California, the blue-ist of the blue to Ohio, the swingy-ist of the the swing states.  Arg!!!
I heard Montana might be moving to swing state too, so I can imagine my mother is enjoying interruptions in her viewing habits.
All I can say is it will be all over in less than 3 weeks.  Yeah!  Either way we are probably in for hard times, but at least we won't have to see them on our TV screens all the time.